2025 HET Conference
Details are to be confirmed nearer the time! If you want to be informed of the event, contact our team!
Details are to be confirmed nearer the time! If you want to be informed of the event, contact our team!
This session covers: What is a Stroke and what are the common risk factors? Why is reaction time so important? How are stroke survivors affected by stroke? Where can stroke survivors and their families find support? This session will suit anyone who would like to improve their knowledge about the prevalence and impact of stroke. […]
Total Wellbeing Luton offers FREE NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression. Talking Therapies was developed to improve the delivery of, and access to, evidence-based, NICE recommended, psychological therapies for depression and anxiety disorders. Find out what it entails, what is offered and how to make a referral into Luton Talking Therapies.